Hjem  >  idporten  >  oidc

/token endpoint

This page summarizes the protocol options available for on the /token endpoint for ID-porten OIDC Provider


The /token endpoint is thoroughly documented in OpenID Connect Core, chapter 3.1.3


The client requests a token by passing the authorization grant (normally a ‘code’ value) to the /token endpoint.

There are different parameters available for the request, depending on grant type and client authentication method. The following always apply:

Parameter Value
Http method POST
Content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request parameters when using authorization_code grant

The following request parameters are available when using the authorization code grant

Parameter Requirement Description
client_id required The identifier of the client
grant_type required Type of grant the client is sending, ie. authorization_code
code required The authorization code received in the authorization response.
redirect_uri required The desired redirect uri. Must be the same value as was used in the corresponding authentication request.
code_verifier required The PKCE code verifier. Mandatory for public clients. Between 43 and 128 characters (ASCII).

The following request parameters are available when using the authorization code grant

Parameter Requirement Description
client_assertion_type optional If using certificate / asymmetric key for client authentication (recommended), this parameter must be set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer
client_assertion optional A JWT identifing the client, mandatory if client_assertion_type is set

Request parameters when using refresh_token grant

The following request parameters are available when using the refresh_token grant

Parameter Requirement Description
grant_type required Type of grant the client is sending, ie. refresh_token
refresh_token required The refresh token

Client authentication must be used with this grant. Client authentication methods client_secret_post or private_key_jwt adds parameters to the request. Client authentication method client_secret_basic uses the Authorization header. Client authentication method none cannot be used for the refresh_token grant.

Client authentication

ID-porten supports four client authentication methods:

  • client_secret_basic
  • client_secret_post
  • private_key_jwt
  • none

Client authentication using client secret basic

A previously exchanged out-of-band static secret is used for standard HTTP bacic authentication header comprised of base64 encoded concatenation of client_id + colon + secret.

POST /token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic dGVzdF9ycF95dDI6cGFzc3dvcmQ=


Client authentication using client secret post

A previously exchanged out-of-band static secret is used for authentication. The secret is added as a parameter client_secret to the payload of the POST request.

Client authentication using JWT token (private_key_jwt)

The client generates a JWT as specified in RFC7523 chapter 2.2, and signs this using a valid business certificate conforming to Rammeverk for autentisering og uavviselighet i elektronisk kommunikasjon med og i offentlig sektor.

The request is extended with the attributes ‘client_assertion_type’ and ‘client_assertion’, see example below.

The ‘sub’ field of the JWT must be set equal to your client_id

The ‘aud’ field of th JWT must be set equal to the issuer identifier of ID-porten and must only contain a single value. Using the token-endpoint url as audience is no longer valid.


POST /token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

   client_assertion=< jwt >

Example JWT client_assertion

The final JWT client_assertion may look like this:

  "x5c": [ "MIIFETCCA/mgAwIB``````EefETzAxjqBHM=" ],
  "alg": "RS256"
  "iss": "my_client_id",
  "aud": "https://idporten.no", 
  "sub": "my_client_id",
  "exp": 1520589928,
  "iat": 1520589808,
  "jti": "415ec7ac-33eb-4ce3-bc86-6ad40e29768f"

No client authentication

Mobile apps and single-page applications are clients which cannot protect a secret/certificate and thus should be pre-registered to use no client authentication.

Use of PKCE and the state parameter will be required when using no client authentication.


The response is a set of tokens and associated metadata, and will depend upon what was requested.

Claim Description
access_token An Oauth2 access token, either by reference or as a JWT depending on which scopes was requested and/or client registration properties.
expires_in Number of seconds until this access_token is no longer valid
id_token An OpenID Connect id_token. Only returned if ‘openid’ scope was requested.
refresh_token Issued to confidential clients
refresh_token_expires_in Non-standard claim. Shows how many seconds until refresh_token expires. Will be reset if refreshed within the refresh token expiration time and overall authorization lifetime
scope The list of scopes issued in the access token. Included for convenience only, and should not be trusted for access control decisions.


  "access_token" : "IxC0B76vlWl3fiQhAwZUmD0hr_PPwC9hSIXRdoUslPU=",
  "id_token" : "eyJraWQiOiJtcVQ1QTNMT1NJSGJwS3JzY2IzRUhHcnItV0lGUmZMZGFxWl81SjlHUjlzIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiItdi1sY2FlNXJHRy1qbHZ6dXY5WTlIN1I4Tm1BZU0yLWtoMHFXYi12UElFPSIsImF1ZCI6InRlc3RfcnBfeXQyIiwiYWNyIjoiTGV2ZWw0IiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNDk3NjA1MjE4LCJhbXIiOiJCYW5rSUQiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvb2lkYy15dDIuZGlmaS5lb24ubm9cL2lkcG9ydGVuLW9pZGMtcHJvdmlkZXJcLyIsInBpZCI6IjIzMDc5NDEwOTE4IiwiZXhwIjoxNDk3NjA1MzgyLCJsb2NhbGUiOiJuYiIsImlhdCI6MTQ5NzYwNTI2Miwibm9uY2UiOiJtaW5fZmluZV9ub25jZV92ZXJkaSIsImp0aSI6IkhnYjN6d085ZzBiam1TYkNDdFFDeE1vd3NaRXUwMGxDSjJFeGc0Wmh2M2c9In0.Pl9APC3_GGJBLYR3AqZRC8-fjOWdIW3eQAn2zbqstGEyv8AJ6yPLiH0EA4e1RgHxK-dPwtydJF0fV-1aiPjDGYM8d-saN26WBlRyvBRH1j8A9smQv5XxJoXssfxMr-t1ZB5wDM37MOkwMF4zTNPVmyeQ0qM0PAudG7ZpT0gWPksQIWOoSk4A--MoOHPBy41xXWSpOvUh3jBqrnWEcZpqS785Ufofc6cDfXk_wM_-EMAlS-UExMq-hH60nPwXmR0cBNW3GV2xm_frYyqBYnxXoELmzREijpeSyiELTqn2k4nwCjeiGDXXs_Nw12D2KpWLDctqqsUtTTRUhsnCPSoDng",
  "token_type" : "Bearer",
  "expires_in" : 600,
  "refresh_token" : "yBtapz3ThC3uVWufWhxsLtbEidPnEsL7atvfHSBANDs=",
  "refresh_token_expires_in" : 600,
  "scope" : "openid"

The id_token

The id_token asserts the identity of the authenticated user. It tells you “who the user is”, but not “what the user can access”.

The id_token is documented here.

The access token

The access_token enables the client to access APIs on behalf of the authenticated user.

The access_token is documented here.

DPoP-bound tokens

DPoP adds an extra layer of security. DPoP in ID-Porten is documented here.