/token endpoint
The /token
endpoint is thoroughly documented in OpenID Connect Core, chapter 3.1.3
The client requests a token by passing the authorization grant (normally a ‘code’ value) to the /token endpoint.
There are different parameters available for the request, depending on grant type and client authentication method. The following always apply:
Parameter | Value |
Http method | POST |
Content-type | application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Request parameters when using authorization_code
The following request parameters are available when using the authorization code grant
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
client_id | required | The identifier of the client |
grant_type | required | Type of grant the client is sending, ie. authorization_code |
code | required | The authorization code received in the authorization response. |
redirect_uri | required | The desired redirect uri. Must be the same value as was used in the corresponding authentication request. |
code_verifier | required | The PKCE code verifier. Mandatory for public clients. Between 43 and 128 characters (ASCII). |
The following request parameters are available when using the authorization code grant
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
client_assertion_type | optional | If using certificate / asymmetric key for client authentication (recommended), this parameter must be set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer |
client_assertion | optional | A JWT identifing the client, mandatory if client_assertion_type is set |
Request parameters when using refresh_token
The following request parameters are available when using the refresh_token grant
Parameter | Requirement | Description |
grant_type | required | Type of grant the client is sending, ie. refresh_token |
refresh_token | required | The refresh token |
Client authentication must be used with this grant. Client authentication methods client_secret_post or private_key_jwt adds parameters to the request. Client authentication method client_secret_basic uses the Authorization header. Client authentication method none cannot be used for the refresh_token grant.
Client authentication
ID-porten supports four client authentication methods:
- client_secret_basic
- client_secret_post
- private_key_jwt
- none
Client authentication using client secret basic
A previously exchanged out-of-band static secret is used for standard HTTP bacic authentication header comprised of base64 encoded concatenation of client_id + colon + secret.
POST /token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic dGVzdF9ycF95dDI6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Client authentication using client secret post
A previously exchanged out-of-band static secret is used for authentication. The secret is added as a parameter client_secret
to the payload of the POST request.
Client authentication using JWT token (private_key_jwt)
The client generates a JWT as specified in RFC7523 chapter 2.2, and signs this using a valid business certificate conforming to Rammeverk for autentisering og uavviselighet i elektronisk kommunikasjon med og i offentlig sektor.
The request is extended with the attributes ‘client_assertion_type’ and ‘client_assertion’, see example below.
The ‘sub’ field of the JWT must be set equal to your client_id
The ‘aud’ field of th JWT must be set equal to the issuer identifier of ID-porten and must only contain a single value. Using the token-endpoint url as audience is no longer valid.
POST /token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_assertion=< jwt >
Example JWT client_assertion
The final JWT client_assertion may look like this:
"x5c": [ "MIIFETCCA/mgAwIB``````EefETzAxjqBHM=" ],
"alg": "RS256"
"iss": "my_client_id",
"aud": "https://idporten.no",
"sub": "my_client_id",
"exp": 1520589928,
"iat": 1520589808,
"jti": "415ec7ac-33eb-4ce3-bc86-6ad40e29768f"
No client authentication
Mobile apps and single-page applications are clients which cannot protect a secret/certificate and thus should be pre-registered to use no client authentication.
Use of PKCE and the state
parameter will be required when using no client authentication.
The response is a set of tokens and associated metadata, and will depend upon what was requested.
Claim | Description |
access_token | An Oauth2 access token, either by reference or as a JWT depending on which scopes was requested and/or client registration properties. |
expires_in | Number of seconds until this access_token is no longer valid |
id_token | An OpenID Connect id_token. Only returned if ‘openid’ scope was requested. |
refresh_token | Issued to confidential clients |
refresh_token_expires_in | Non-standard claim. Shows how many seconds until refresh_token expires. Will be reset if refreshed within the refresh token expiration time and overall authorization lifetime |
scope | The list of scopes issued in the access token. Included for convenience only, and should not be trusted for access control decisions. |
"access_token" : "IxC0B76vlWl3fiQhAwZUmD0hr_PPwC9hSIXRdoUslPU=",
"id_token" : "eyJraWQiOiJtcVQ1QTNMT1NJSGJwS3JzY2IzRUhHcnItV0lGUmZMZGFxWl81SjlHUjlzIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiItdi1sY2FlNXJHRy1qbHZ6dXY5WTlIN1I4Tm1BZU0yLWtoMHFXYi12UElFPSIsImF1ZCI6InRlc3RfcnBfeXQyIiwiYWNyIjoiTGV2ZWw0IiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNDk3NjA1MjE4LCJhbXIiOiJCYW5rSUQiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvb2lkYy15dDIuZGlmaS5lb24ubm9cL2lkcG9ydGVuLW9pZGMtcHJvdmlkZXJcLyIsInBpZCI6IjIzMDc5NDEwOTE4IiwiZXhwIjoxNDk3NjA1MzgyLCJsb2NhbGUiOiJuYiIsImlhdCI6MTQ5NzYwNTI2Miwibm9uY2UiOiJtaW5fZmluZV9ub25jZV92ZXJkaSIsImp0aSI6IkhnYjN6d085ZzBiam1TYkNDdFFDeE1vd3NaRXUwMGxDSjJFeGc0Wmh2M2c9In0.Pl9APC3_GGJBLYR3AqZRC8-fjOWdIW3eQAn2zbqstGEyv8AJ6yPLiH0EA4e1RgHxK-dPwtydJF0fV-1aiPjDGYM8d-saN26WBlRyvBRH1j8A9smQv5XxJoXssfxMr-t1ZB5wDM37MOkwMF4zTNPVmyeQ0qM0PAudG7ZpT0gWPksQIWOoSk4A--MoOHPBy41xXWSpOvUh3jBqrnWEcZpqS785Ufofc6cDfXk_wM_-EMAlS-UExMq-hH60nPwXmR0cBNW3GV2xm_frYyqBYnxXoELmzREijpeSyiELTqn2k4nwCjeiGDXXs_Nw12D2KpWLDctqqsUtTTRUhsnCPSoDng",
"token_type" : "Bearer",
"expires_in" : 600,
"refresh_token" : "yBtapz3ThC3uVWufWhxsLtbEidPnEsL7atvfHSBANDs=",
"refresh_token_expires_in" : 600,
"scope" : "openid"
The id_token
The id_token asserts the identity of the authenticated user. It tells you “who the user is”, but not “what the user can access”.
The id_token is documented here.
The access token
The access_token enables the client to access APIs on behalf of the authenticated user.
The access_token is documented here.
DPoP-bound tokens
DPoP adds an extra layer of security. DPoP in ID-Porten is documented here.