Hjem  >  idporten  >  oidc_old

/tokeninfo endpoint

This page summarizes the protocol options available for on the /tokeninfo introspection endpoint for ID-porten OIDC Provider


The /tokeninfo endpoint is thoroughly documented in RFC 7662 OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection


The following header parameters must be used:

Parameter Value
Http method: POST
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The client calling /tokeninfo must be pre-registered, and must authenticate itself using the registered method of client authentication (ie token_endpoint_auth_method).

The following JSON payload must be submitted:

Claim Value
token <The token that should be validated>


The most important parameter in the reponse is the active-claim. If its value is false, the submitted token is not longer valid, and must not be used or trusted by the sending party.

claim value description
active true / false Authorative statement from ID-porten whether the submitted token is valid or not.

The response will also include a number of claims related to the submitted token, and are equal to the claims available for self-contained access token.

Please note that the response from the /tokeninfo-endpoint is NOT an access_token, even though it is a JWT.

Sample request:

POST /tokeninfo
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic xxxxx


Sample response:

    "active": true,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 556,
    "exp": 1477990301,
    "iat": 1477989701,
    "scope": "global/kontaktinformasjon.read",
    "client_id": "test_rp",
    "client_orgno": "991825827"

Introspection of pseudonymous tokens