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/par endpoint

This page summarizes the protocol options available for on the /par endpoint (Pushed Authorization Requests) for ID-porten OIDC Provider


Pushed Authorization Requestes (PAR) and the /par endpoint is thoroughly documented in the draft IETF-specification draft-ietf-oauth-par-06

PAR lets the client push the authorization request (see /authorize ) to ID-porten ahead of end-user involvement.


The client pushes an authentication request by POST´ing it to the PAR endpoint.

Supported HTTP headers:

Header Value
Http method POST
Content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The supported request attributes are identical to attributes available on the /authorize endpoint, ie:

Attribute Optionality Description
response_type Required Only code is supported by ID-porten
client_id Required ID-porten will provide you with a client-id out-of-band
redirect_uri Required The end user will be redirected here after a successful authentication. Only pre-registered URIs can be used.
scope Required Whitespace-separated list of requested scopes. Normally just openid.
state Recommended Value set by the client and returned in the callback. Recommended to use to achieve CSRF-protection. Mandatory to use for public clients
nonce Recommended Value set by the client and returned in the id-token. Recommended to use to protect from replay attacks.
acr_values Optional Requested security level, either Level3 or Level4.
response_mode Optional Used if you want alternative way of returning the authentication response. We support query,form_post and fragment. <p/>Note that some of these option may have security implications, and some other conditions may apply.
ui_locales Optional Requested language in the user interface, we support nb, nn, en or se
prompt Optional Used to govern end user involvement. Only login is supported by ID-porten
code_challenge Recommended The PKCE code_challenge is a calculated value based on code_verifier. Mandatory to use for public clients
code_challenge_method Recommended Algorithm for PKCE. Only S256 supported.
login_hint Optional Set to “eidas:true” to trigger authentication by European users according to eIDAS
claims Optional Currently only used for eIDAS

Sample request

POST /idporten-oidc-provider/par HTTP/1.1
Host: oidc.difi.no
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0Mzo3RmpmcDBaQnIxS3REUmJuZlZkbUl3



The response is a request_uri identifier, and an associated expiry time in seconds.

Sample response:

    "expires_in": 120,
    "request_uri": "urn:idporten:JF38qJvAge0yvmYC4Hw3P0NXCahVkqlpeVCm_4K0paw"

Continue the authorization

The client must then use the request_uri and its client_id when redirecting the end user to the /authorize endpoint before the request_uri expires.

GET /idporten-oidc-provider/authorize?request_uri=urn:idporten:JF38qJvAge0yvmYC4Hw3P0NXCahVkqlpeVCm_4K0paw&client_id=s6BhdRkqt3

Request parameters (apart from client_id) should not be repeated in the authorize-request, but if they are inclued, they must be excactly matching the values that was pushed in the PAR.