Hjem  >  idporten  >  oidc_old


This page summarizes how Oauth2 scopes are used in ID-porten OIDC provider.

ID-porten and Maskinporten can issue access tokens to scopes controlled by Difi, as well as scopes controlled by other organizations.

Scope model

The following attributes are available for a scope:

attribute cardinality description  
prefix mandatory A prefix used for namespacing scopes belonging to a certain organization. Manually assigned by Digdir  
description  mandatory  A human-readable short description of the scope. Shown to the end-user in consent dialogue.  
long_description  optional  A longer human-readable description of the scope. Supports basic Markdown-formatting using bold, italic, paragraphs break and links allowed. Shown to the end-user in consent dialogue.  
delegation_source optional  If set, allows consumers to delegate a given scope access to a supplier in a external autoriative register of delegations. NOTE: this only works in Maskinporten, please set allowable_integration_types accordingly.  
 accessible_for_all default false  If true, any consumer organization can register a client having this scope and get tokens.  
 allowable_integration_types optional  Array. If set, only clients having the same integration type(s) can get tokens for this scope, from the corresponsing Autorization Server  
at_max_age optional  If set, defines a maximium allowable expires_in for access tokens having this scope. If multiple scopes are included into one token, the lowest value for at_max_age is enforced. A zero value means that lifetime is based on the client setting or system default.  
authorization_max_age optional If set, defines a maximum allowable lifetime for the authorization / consent granted by the end-user to the client. For Maskinporten-type scopes, set this value equal to at_max_age. A zero value means that lifetime is based on the client setting or system default.  
 requires_user_consent  default false  If true, the consent dialogue is shown to the end user when performing the authorization.  
requires_user_authentication  default false  If true, a fresh authentication must be performed by the end-user as part of the authorization even if the she has an active SSO-session in ID-porten  
 requires_pseudonymous_tokens  default false  If true, access_tokens having this scope (and any accompanying id_token) will lack the pid-claim.  
token_type  default SELF-CONTAINED  Which type of tokens are expected by the API: SELF-CONTAINED or OPAQUE  
visiblity mandatory Controls whether the scope appear on the public listing of available scopes known to ID-porten / Maskinporten  
active  default true  if false, no clients are allowed to get tokens having this scope. To change, use DELETE / PUT operations. (already issued accesses and client reqgistrations are not altered by the DELETE operation, meaning it is suitable for temporary deactivation of a scope)


    "name": "altinn:serviceowner",
    "prefix": "altinn",
    "subscope": "serviceowner",
    "description": "Full access scope for the Altinn Service Owner API. Used for clients not specifying any API limitations.",
    "visibility": "PUBLIC",
    "token_type": "SELF_CONTAINED",
    "at_max_age": 1000,
    "requires_user_consent": false,
    "requires_user_authentication": false,
    "requires_pseudonymous_tokens": false,
    "accessible_for_all": false,
    "delegation_source": "https://tt02.altinn.no/",
    "allowed_integration_types": [
    "last_updated": "2020-11-03T11:28:13.826+01:00",
    "created": "2020-11-03T11:28:13.826+01:00",
    "owner_orgno": "991825827",
    "active": true,


Scope limitations

Some scopes only work towards Maskinporten, others only towards ID-porten, while some can be used for both. This depends on the allowed_integration_types attribute registrered on the scope:

Allowable Integration Type Description  
  An empty value means that clients of any integration type can get access_tokens containing the scope.  
maskinporten Only for server to server integration  
api_klient For APIs that require access_tokens bound to an authenticated user, ie: ID-porten  

You will not be able to register a client with a certain scope if there is a conflict with the integration_type of the client and the allowable_integration_type of the scope. E.g. you can’t add a “maskinporten” scope to a “api_klient” client.

See also client registration.

List of Reserved scopes

The following scopes triggers special behaviour in ID-porten OIDC provider. They can be used by all customers.

Scope Description Allowed integration_types
openid Triggers an OpenID Connect-compliant authentication idporten, api_klient
profile Gives access to the /userinfo endpoint idporten, api_klient
no_pid Triggers a pseudonymous authentication idporten, api_klient
eidas Include the eIDAS attributes in the id_token. See eidas login idporten, api_klient

List of scopes for APIs from Digitaliseringsdirektoratet

Any customer can self-service their clients with the following scopes:

Scope Description Allowed integration_types
krr:global/* Scopes for global access to the Contact Registry krr,maskinporten
krr:user/* Scopes giving Contact Registry details for the authenticated user api_klient
idporten:authorizations.* API for authorizations api_klient
idporten:user.log.read API for authentication history api_klient
global/idporten.authlevel.read API for authentication level of assurance maskinporten

For the following scopes, you need to ask us to add them to your client manually:

Scope Description Allowed integration_types
idporten:dcr* Scopes allowing for self-service of ID-porten integrations maskinporten
idporten:scopes* Scopes allowing for self-service of ID-porten/Maskinporten API management maskinporten

List of scopes for APIs from 3rd parties

ID-porten and Maskinporten protect a number of APIs from other organizations. See the links below for the complete list:

URL to list of scopes Description
https://api.samarbeid.digdir.no/scopes/all A list of scopes protected by ID-porten in Production
https://api.test.samarbeid.digdir.no/scopes/all A list of scopes protected by ID-porten in TEST environment.

See the allowed_integration_type claim on each entry to see if any scope limitation applies.

You need to ask the organization owning the scope to grant you permission to use these scopes, unless the flag accessible_for_all is set.

Delegation source

The attribute delegation_source can be set on a scope in order to activate it for external delegation in e.g. Altinn.

Scopes syntax for scopes controlled by third parties

Such scopes will always follow this syntax:

scope ::= prefix ':' subscope

The prefix is a string which is manually linked to a specific organization. It may be the organization name, or other suitable value. An organization may have multiple prefixes.

The subscope is created by the owning organization itself using selfservice. ID-porten place no specific rules on how subscopes should be named or structured, as different organizations have vastly different needs to structure their APIs. Nevertheless, some recommendations apply:

  • the prefix should natually identify the owning organization or its subsidiary / application (example nav or folkeregisteret or organization number)
    • if multiple organizations share the same scope, the prefix should identify the sector (forsikring)
  • subscope should primarily identify the resource and not the API (trygdeopplysninger or adresse)
  • subscope should contain various postfixes to differentiate between read and write access to the resource (nav:trygdeopplysninger.write)
    • absence of a postfix should normally only imply read access

For access to these scopes, you need to contact the organization owning the scope.